Thursday, February 14, 2013

 Last week I had the opportunity to attend the 'Access Now ! Regional Power Summit.'
There were discussions about housing, medical, and other disability rights topics.
It was held at the Ed Roberts building in Berkely. It was held over a two day symposium. The first day was used to formulate ideas. The second day was to streamline the first days brainstorm.
I attended through the Law and Justice Center here in Santa Rosa.
One of my favorite speakers was Anita Shafer Aaron of the World Institute on Disability. The things that struck about this woman were that she is completely blind, and runs the institute ( with minimal staffing ) by herself. She spoke about curb cuts when there were none. This was a large issue for me when i was growing up. I was not able to even go to the movies without sneaking in the back door. This touched me personally because I had dealt with these issues for a long time.
I also would like to recognize April Wick from The Law and Justice Center. Thank you so much for inviting and taking me along! And to Becoming Independent for providing transportation.